How Life On Earth Is Already Ending BY The Socialist Alliance Group Solar flares are increasingly blasting the Earth with deadly radiation. The magnetic poles are moving off the ends of the Earth. Asteroids are striking near urban centers with increasing frequency. Ever larger Silicon Valley and Hollywood pedophile networks are promoting child abuse on Netflix, in theaters and on cable TV. Huge numbers of animal species are already going extinct. The oceans no longer support life in the way they did only 100 years ago. Racial and religious hatred has increased to the worst state in the last 100,000 years. More and more billionaires are bribing more and more politicians. The electronic surveillance of every person on Earth is nearly complete. Basic needs for most humans are being cut-off by most politicians. Corporations control 90% of public policy decisions. So much sex is now bartered based on social, cash or perception payments that fewer people want to have it. Babies ruin so much of the "digital lifestyle" that fewer people want them. Mega-scale factory production takes so many ground-based materials and turns them into global toxins, in post-production, that biological poisoning is increasing to an extinction event level within a quantifiable time-frame. Social media has turned so many women, under 30, into narcissists and "instagram whores" that it has objectified women beyond recovery. The mass media exposure of "Jewish media control", "Catholic church child abuse", "Nazi racism", "immigration-for-vote-control", and other social phenomenon has caused the public to never stop thinking about those ideas. Over 100,000 years of inescapable tit-for-tat religious church murders from small African and Middle East regions has now expanded to every nation on Earth. Every politician now uses their office for stock market gains for themselves, and their friends, instead of social gains for their constituents. There are over 1000 other issues that have been manifested by modern society without any public policy entity effectively addressing them...